Refund Policy

Last updated July 11, 2024

Payment & Refund

All fees are final and cannot be refunded, and do not include any taxes that may apply. You are accountable for covering all taxes and government fees, as well as any reasonable costs and legal fees incurred by Levelsonic in pursuit of collecting overdue amounts. Additionally, you agree to cover any expenses, fines, or penalties levied on Levelsonic by governmental or regulatory authorities or telecommunications providers due to your or any Authorized User's usage of the Service, including those passed on to Levelsonic from its commercial partners or vendors.

Upon expiration or termination of your account for any reason whatsoever, all amounts still owed by You, shall become due and payable immediately. We will not refund any prepaid fees and will charge You the full amount that We would have been entitled to charge for the remaining term.

To sum up: